Bulk Creation of SharePoint Site Columns and Content Types with PowerShell: Part 3
This post is the third in a series detailing the creation of SharePoint Site Columns and Content Types via PowerShell. The series has three parts as follows:
Part 1: Bulk Creating Site Columns with PowerShell
Part 2: Bulk Creating Content Types with PowerShell
Part 3: Bulk Adding Site Columns to Content Types with PowerShell
Bulk Adding Site Columns to Content Types with PowerShell: Overview While the previous two posts focused to the creation of Site Columns and Content Types, one final step remains; the addition (or linking) of Site Columns to the appropriate Content Types. If you evaluate the amount of clicks it takes to manually add Site Columns for use by a Content Type, then multiply that by your total Content Types, it is clear to see how PowerShell can greatly ease this tedious task.
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